or Photosynth by Microsoft. link (this one gives true 360 control, but harder for to make horizontal panoramas in my experiences)
2. Find a Scene. look for some breathtaking landscapes around you.
I often like taking panoramas from these elements: sunset, crowds (ie. beach, concerts, campus...), oceans/lakes, architectures...
3. Compositions
Dont forget about the rules like the rule of thirds, balances...
If you forgot about all that from your first year design course or never heard about them.. here is the wiki page on composition techniques: link
or just go with your instincts!
4. Steady hands! and be quick!
Especially if people or animal are in the shot, you need to act fast before those objects move away.
Here is a tip on how to hold your iphone: Think of yourself as the center of a clock, and your arms joint together like one of the clock hands which rotates. Try not to shift your body from moving left or right, rotate your body and follow your arms instead.
Steady hands comes from experience and confidence!! practice and practice!
5. Natural Lighting
iPhone's might not be the best in class for taking low-light photos, therefore it making shooting panoramas at night extramly hard, or sometimes, impossible.
The light you will get on your left side is not always be the same on your right side. Since iphone is too smart to adjust the camera brightness accordingly, it often screws up your panoramas.
Plus, the more light you get, the faster the shot will process. Hooray, un-steady hands can be excused! :)
6. Crop and edit.
Last but not least, take your panorama to a photo editing app for the final touches.
my all time favourite is got to be: Camera+ link
Trust me, it makes huge difference!
Here is a 'before & after' of my beautiful campus. :)
Hope some of you out there will find this helpful.
For more panoramas taken by me, even from all the way back when I was just new to this. Check here: link